Children at Maruia School learn together in a supportive multi-level environment where respect and excellence are nurtured and highly valued. The children support each other’s learning through student lead learning groups, with an emphasis on growing leadership, mentoring and caring for each other socially, emotionally, culturally and academically. This is all underpinned by our “3 R’s” – Respect for Self, Respect for Others, Responsibility for all our actions.
Learning takes place within two classrooms, supported by withdrawal of groups and individuals. A personalised learning programme, designed to meet her or his learning needs, is developed with each child and their family/whanau.
Our school is well resourced with several learning spaces, a range of equipment and well-maintained grounds. Every child has access to digital learning support through high-speed internet access, iPads or laptops.
The school is in an isolated, mainly dairying community. Most children are from dairy farming families. There is a history of fluctuating rolls as families move between farms for employment. The roll has fluctuated between 18 and 28 during the last twelve months, with a closing roll of 26 for 2021. We have a Ministry of Education funded bus service and all children currently use that service.
We are supported by our community and parents take an active role in their children’s learning where and as they can. With most families having both parents working long hours this can be challenging. The PTA work hard to raise a significant level of funds.
With significant historical staffing and student roll changes, the Board has a focus on providing a settled secure learning environment supported through consistent, effective governance and management systems. The Board provides additional staffing to enable the development of a supportive learning environment that actively engages all children in meaningful and appropriate learning. This results in significant lifts in achievement for children however an ongoing and effective response to these challenges will remain a focus for the Board.