The school bus route is split into two runs which alternate each term. The following times are approximations, either leaving Springs Junction or Frog Flat.
1st & 3rd Term Springs Junction end first, and 2nd & 4th Term Frog Flat end first.
1st & 3rd Term: Springs Junction Bus Stop
Morning Leaves 7.45 a.m, arriving at school about 8:10 am.
Sanders at approximately 8.30 am
Afternoon Leaves School at 3:00 pm, arriving Springs Junction Bus Stop at 3:35 pm.
Leaves school on North Run at approximately 3:50 pm
2nd & 4th Term: North Run Bus Stop
Morning Leaves 7.50am arriving at school 8.05am
Leaves Springs Junction at approximately 8.25 am
Afternoon Leaves school at 3.00pm. arriving Sanders Bus Stop approximately 3.20 pm
Leaves school on Springs Junction run at approximately 3.35 pm
Would parents please ensure that children are on time for the bus. These times are approximate and we will try to adhere to them as weather conditions and road works can hold us up. These times will not alter at night if the children from Springs Junction are not on the bus. Please be at the bus stop to collect your child/ren on time if walking them across the road. The school will advise parents ASAP if the school bus cannot run for any reason.
Hi Vis vests must be worn by all passengers on the bus. These are given out on enrolment.
If your child is not going to be on the bus, please notify the bus driver by 7:00am phone 020 4127 7762.
Student eligibility for bus transport is based on the distance from school. Drivers, Staff, and BOT expect good self-control and sensible behaviour from pupils while travelling on the bus on school days / or trips.